Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I'm lost in this world, in this society. I feel hanged in a off-season closet. As depressed and sad this can sound, this is hardly an acurate portrait of reality. I can say people tend to stay away from me, to keep me out, but that attitude is a reflection of me. Often, I get out, I keep myself from the crowd. Stupid one could say, but simple survival, as I need it to keep sanity.

I could go out more, I could be surrounded by people all the time, but that's not me. I could have more friends, real friends, but I like finding much more than looking. Lazy me... But thinking, as I keep doing, remembering past experience, how much fun did I really had? How much worthwhile experiences do I have to tell? How much did I grow as a person? Different answers to these questions, same conclusion. Not as much as one might think. Not nearly as much as I would like to.

Even so, human nature tricks me into wanting the life that others have, have the fun and friends that I never did. This is one of the most senseless inner arguments that I keep having. I'm in a crossroad, in which I don't want to stay, but I'm not sure I want to go anywhere too...

27/10/2006 00:12


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One may be led to think that you are really lonely...are you?
And...by the way...do you have the list to share?

12:41 AM  
Blogger CookieMonster said...

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2:37 PM  
Blogger CookieMonster said...

No, not really.

About the list, no. I could mention some objects, but how relevant would it be? The rest is for me, for now...

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may be wrong, because I don't know him very well, but I think he's really not lonely. He's just a poet, and like every poet, he tends to be too unsatisfied with life. Even without "a reason".

Believe me, an artistic or, I could say, perfectionist view of this world is not a pleasant thing for those who have it.

He'll get through it!

9:11 PM  
Blogger CookieMonster said...

Thank you for calling me a poet, even if I don't consider myself one.

As for "Believe me, an artistic or, I could say, perfectionist view of this world is not a pleasant thing for those who have it", I couldn't agree more...

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this one off those things that make us think more about how to respond to it than really thinking about it??? (ok, I said nothing here...sorry!!!)

My dear friend, how I understand your words, I can, without a doubt, relate to them as if they were my own!!!!

it is a burden we carry (no, I'm not being selfcentered!!) this thing we have, this ability to be absent of all surroundings and to observe everything from that point of view and that makes us feel completly out of context... man!!!! I think we are children that grew too fast, we lack the capacity of finding simle things just that - "Simple" - we can't help ourselfs not to observe, to judge, to think....

we need to stop thinking and start "living" a bit more man.... that's what I think (damn...)

p.s.: esta m**** de tar a escrevinhar em ingles man, fonhasse, para alémd e estar completamente enferrujado o meu brit ainda perco mais tempo a pensar em como escrever as palavras do que nas palavras que quero escrever....

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.p.s.: esqueci-me: o "reticencias" mudou de "endereço", se poderes corrije lá nos links do(s) teu(s) blog(s). agora é gil-berto.blogspot.com (ou entao linka logo para www.reticencias.com)

um abraço ;)

1:51 PM  

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